DuBose Middle School Ham Club

As an ARRL afiliated club, CARS sponsors the DuBose Middle School Amateur Radio Club (K4DMS) as an ARRL “Big Project” school. This initiative began in 2004, building upon the momentum gained subsequent to a successful ARISS contact from the school that was facilitated by club volunteers in March of 2004.

FALL 2004: The DuBose Middle School Radio Club was formed under the leadership of Mrs. Alene Wilkins (KG4NKD). The original call sign assigned to the ARRL Big Project School Club was KI4GWM, which was later changed to incorporate the school’s initials, K4DMS.

SPRING 2006: The K4DMS club captured 3rd place in the spring 2006 School Club Round Up, where we contacted 44 states (excepting Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, North Dakota, Rhode Island), 7 countries (Columbia, Lithuania, Spain, Italy, Turks and Cacos Island, Sardinia, Poland), 5 Canadian Provinces (British Columbia, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Suschatiwan). Contacts included 7 clubs, 37 schools, and 187 individuals. There were 216 phone contacts and 17 digital contacts for a total of 233 contacts scoring 63,500 points. K4DMS placed 4th in the spring 2007 School Club Round Up.

FALL 2007: Two K4DMS club students have attained the Amateur Radio Technician Class License. Sarah Keene, KI4ZGQ and Michael Harris, KJ4AIH are proud holders of their first Ham tickets. Congratulations for all of their hard work!

The K4DMS club participated in the Fall 2007 School Club Roundup. We contacted 41 countries, states, and provinces. The club is still awaiting final results.

Jan. 2008: The third DuBose Middle School student, Billy Thompson, KJ4BNA, passed his Technician exam. All three are enjoying using their calls on 2m FM.

June 2008: On Amateur Radio Field Day, Billy Thompson, KJ4BNA, participated with CARS on the Yorktown and made several contacts.

Dec. 2008: Two newspaper articles in the  Summerville, SC Journal Scene and the   San Rafael, NM Gallup Independent  described Alene Wilkins, KG4NKD, using Ham Radio in her middle school class room. This relationship started when Dennis, WA5TYJ, answered one of the kid's CQ during one of the after school club meetings. In the QSO he described his area and that peaked Alene's interest since she is a middle school science teacher. Last school year she set up a schedule where Dennis could talk through out the day with the kids during her classes and answer their questions. It was a hit. So again this year she made another sked. Unfortunately the propagation wasn't good for the first attempt but they completed the sked on the second attempt, Dec 2nd.

K4DMS meets on Tuesdays from 4-5:30 and we check 145.25 from time to time. We operate mostly on 20 meters. Lonnie Young, W4SQL, and his wife Wyan, W4YAN, are helping when available. If anyone else is interested in helping with the club or sharing their special amateur radio skill or mode with eager young people please let me know. And anyone who has experience with PSK31 - I could use some help setting up my radio to function with PSK. I would be eternally grateful for any and all assistance.

K4DMS will be participating in the Fall School Club Roundup during the week of October 18th. The club will be active after school from 4-6 Monday through Thursday and then form 4-7 on Friday. We will be on 20 meters most of the time , except from 4:10-4:20 each day when we will be on 146.58 simplex and then again from 5:50 - 6:00. On Friday we will try again from 6:50-7:00. I am also hoping to operate from 11:50-1:06 Tuesday through Thursday. Anyone who wishes to come help is more than welcome.

So far during the 2010-2011 school year, K4DMS has made voice contact via 20 meters with: 9/17/10: Texas, Oklahoma, Italy, LBJ High School; 9/21/10: Missouri and Nebraska; 9/27/10: Texas, Italy, Northern California, and the Netherlands; 10/5/10: Italy and Germany.

K4DMS participated in the 2012 Fall School Club Roundup. They had eleven operators who made 209 contacts in 10.77 operating hours with a claimed score of 28,424 points.

K4DMS - DuBose's Amateur Radio Club competed in the 2013 ARRL Annual Fall School Club Roundup - after 15 hours we completed 194 contacts including: 31 states, 20 schools, and 13 countries such as Austria, Belgium, Germany, Slovak Republic, South Africa and Australia for a total of 30, 070 points. We should know by January how we did overall in the contest.

The DuBose Middle School address is: 1005 DuBose School Rd, Summerville SC 29485. DuBose School Road is off Orangeburg Rd., it is “A” on the map below.

  K4DMS map

Last modified Fri., May 15, 2015